

Thompson Logging was founded in Kamas, UT in 1956 by Olen Thompson and family.  The company originated as a timber harvesting company which harvested and sold saw logs, mine props, fencing rails/poles, and firewood to sawmills, mining companies and the general public

Thompson Logging began with a Mammoth Jack Mule, 32" Homelite chainsaw, 3/4 ton pick-up truck, and with a young entrepreneur having the strong desire to     succeed.                                                                  


Today, Thompson Logging is a progressive timber harvesting, lumber milling,
 and timber by-product company.  The company purchases timber from both
 public and private timber sales and produces graded dimensional lumber, 
custom milled timbers, soil conditioners, soil enhancers, landscaping mulches,
 certified playground chips, and animal bedding.